Yamada Group BeginningsThe YAMADA story begins in February, 1946, when Sueo Yamada, just released from military service, established YAMADA Manufacturing, Ltd. in Kiryu city, Gunma prefecture, Japan.
Originally, YAMADA produced drill chucks for the textile plants located in Kiryu, silk textile capitol of Japan. Next came geared scroll chucks, and in 1958, YAMADA began making assembly jigs for Honda. Then, that same year, Honda ordered a crank pin prototype for the under development Honda Super Cub scooter. From there, YAMADA’s close relationship with Honda expanded, with YAMADA growing in tangent with Honda’s explosive growth, to become one of the global leaders in the development and production of auto parts. YAMADA North America, Inc. HistoryYAMADA North America, Inc. was founded in March, 1988 and was the first YAMADA plant to be established overseas. It was originally formed under the name Yotec, Inc. as a joint venture between YAMADA Mfg. Co., Ltd. and American Honda.
The plant became operational 17 months later when the 1st Steering Racks rolled off the production line on Aug. 2nd, 1989. Year after year, new lines, capabilities and products have been added. In 1997, Yotec became the first YAMADA plant to achieve ISO 9002 certification. In January 2003, the name Yotec was changed to YAMADA North America, Inc. to more firmly establish the fact that YNA is an integral part of the YAMADA group and to reflect the ever expanding global presence of YAMADA. |
Operating Philosophy
Quality PolicyYNA responds to the demands of our customers and manufacturers products valued throughout the world for their high quality and reasonable cost.
This is accomplished through the continual improvement of our Quality Management System by utilizing the ideas, efforts and teamwork of every YNA associate. All associates partake in making YNA successful through a spirit of hard work. Company PrincipleOur company responds to the demands of our customers and manufacturers products honored throughout the world for their high quality and reasonable cost through the ideas, efforts and teamwork of each and every YNA associate.